Bible 180: Week 18 & Praying for the Unreached

Whew! Last week’s reading was TOUGH! There was so much sadness, so much strife.

It made me truly thankful for knowing Jesus Christ, for knowing forgiveness and mercy and grace. Living during that time, or living at any time without knowing Christ would be really, really awful. Can you imagine struggling with such awful times, not knowing an eternity with our Father is coming?

In all the desolation and destruction, I still found shimmering truth:

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

Jeremiah 33:3

How thankful am I that I can call on him directly, and know I am loved and I am heard by the Creator.

Praying for those who don’t know Him

This week, at church (online), Timothy Ateek of Breakaway Ministries in College Station shared an app with us called Unreached of the Day.

The app shares a new group of people EVERY DAY who do not know about Jesus Christ. It shares where they live, what language(s) they speak and other relevant statistics about them. It also list prayer points and specific challenges faced in getting the Word to them.

I downloaded it and set it up to send me a notification every day at 10 am so I can learn about a new group of God’s children who do not know Christ and pray for them.

After reading so much strife in the Old Testament these past 17 weeks, and being thankful through every single passage, how can I not want more people to know of him? And what an amazing way to pray for others to know– and learn about our world at the same time!

Check it out. Let me know what you think… and let me know if you join me in praying daily for the unreached.

Bible 180 Week 18 Reading Plan

Please check in

Take a moment and let the rest of us know you are here and let us know if we can pray for YOU in any way.

I’m glad to be reading with you. Thank you for joining me. And I am honored to pray for you in any way I can.

My prayer request: Thankful for Him

My prayer request is a praise: I have seen God moving mightily in my life, guiding me in terms of my family and my business and I am truly grateful. Last week He showed me how my business, VinSleuth/ Wine4.Me, can honor Him in giving part of our revenues to food banks. I am SO EXCITED to write those first checks this month… and involve wineries in our giving decisions!!! And I have had more soothing times with my family lately, just being together doing ‘family’ things. I love it. And I am so thankful.

I hope you see daily several ways that you are experiencing his love and provision, too.

Please thank Him for me, if you would. And, again, let me know how I can pray for you.

In love,


3 responses to “Bible 180: Week 18 & Praying for the Unreached”

  1. Thank you, for your positivity! I think we should always look for opportunities to pray for others and to share the joy of the Lord with others. I am truly blessed to be here reading with you. You are in my prayers. Have a wonderful joy filled day!

  2. Thanks for sharing about the app. I will look into it. We are so blessed to know Jesus, what a great way to pray for others that do not know Him.
    Good to hear that I was not the only one to be glad that we were finishing Jeremiah! It was a very hard read. Love the verse you shared about calling to him. That is what he keeps asking them and all of us to do! God promises us all so much if we only turn to Him! For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, plans for your welfare and not for woe, I will listen to you. When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, and I will change your lot. Jer 29:11-14

  3. I just downloaded the app, my dad had told me about it awhile back but I forgot until your email. I like the app, it’s good for me to be reminded to think and pray beyond my own first world problems. So glad to be reading with everyone, it’s going to be a great week!

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