Bible 180: Week 19… YOWZA

OKay, WOW! I’m just gonna put it put there…

Did anyone else struggle in reading Ezekiel this week?

This book has not been easy for me, AT ALL. So much destruction, so much vengeance… and yet all of the Lords’ actions are 100% justified.

I kept thinking going back to my relationship with Christ and thinking, “Okay I’m okay here…right?”

It was hard to read all of that, knowing I AM a sinner. I do make mistakes. I do put other things before God at times– at many times. (Ouch. Typing that hurts.)

The last day of our reading last week was finally a bit of fresh air, of comfort. The coming of Christ was finally suggested.

Thank you, Father. We NEED a savior, for sure. And you are generous and kind to provide your son in that role. Thank you.

Did anyone else struggle in reading?

Week 19, coming right up!

This week we continue in Ezekiel, and also make our way through Daniel, Hosea, Joel and Amos.

The books are getting shorter as we near the end of the Old Testament. Make no mistake though– they are still filled with wisdom and stories we need to read.

I am looking forward to the change of pace each of them brings.

Bible 180 Week 19 Reading Schedule

New Testament coming soon!

I am eager to get into the New Testament soon. It happens in just 2 weeks, y’all!

I am ready for love and grace and mercy. Reading the Old Testament always makes me appreciate it much, much more. And I am READY!

With the New Testament start hitting the Monday before Christmas, I’d love to encourage any of you who are behind to do what you can to catch up before then. I would love each of us to get to read the New Testament together, starting the week of Christmas.

Invite new readers to join us as we start the New Testament

I’d also like to encourage you to invite friends to join us from the New Testament mark and read with us. It’s the perfect place to invite new Bible readers to start. We start there December 21.

How’s it going?

How do YOU feel about the reading? Please drop a note in the comments to let me know you are here, that you are reading… and maybe how you feel about inviting new readers to join us as we launch into the New Testament starting December 21. I’m excited to get there and share the joy!

In Love,


3 responses to “Bible 180: Week 19… YOWZA”

  1. Hard to believe we are on week 19! Yes I am struggling with Ezekiel! I am so looking forward to the New Testament! It was nice to read God’s promise in Ezekiel 36:26-27 I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put my spirit within you so that you walk in my statutes, observe my ordinances, and keep them. Interesting that in Ezekiel 11:19 God says basically the same thing.. I will give them another heart and a new spirit I will put within them. So frustrating for God that they did not listen to him over and over. Does make us think of ourselves and how we do the same thing. Thanks again Amy and enjoy this season of Advent everyone!

  2. Hi Amy, Wow, week 19?! Unbelievable but true. So very thankful for this reading journey. So many times, with all of what’s going on in the world, as I think to myself WHAT?! in the world….I see application of the Old Testament and I am reassured that no matter WHAT, God says He has a plan down to the tiniest detail. He’s got it all and those who obey Him on the palm of His hand. I keep seeing the phrase…”and they shall know that I am the Lord” over and over again. It speaks to my heart that He is engaged, He knows, He cares and His plan will NOT be thwarted. And if we will be His people, He will be our God!!! He is great and worthy of our praise. So very thankful for His great love for us.❤ Have a
    fabulous week!!!

  3. Lab girl Avatar
    Lab girl

    Exiekiel is a hard book read, to fathom all the destructions and lives lost. Then switching the brain over to thinking about God’s sovereign justice, almost makes this book surreal. Then placing some of these passages in our world today almost fit to a T. This reading made me reflect and ask those hard questions about my eternity. Where am I; where are we; in His perfect plan? Any, thank you very much for your continued leadership. I am grateful for this beautiful gift of His word. To all that are continuing this path, Have a blessed week !

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