Bible in 90 Days Day 66 SOAP: The 3 things He requires

Today’s Reading: Amos 9:11- Nahum 3:19

Scripture: Micah 6:8

He has showed you, O man, what is good.

And what does the Lord require of you?

To act justly and to love mercy

and to walk humbly with your God.


He has told us many times what He wants us to do: be fair, kind and recognize his power and our true position.


These three things tie so beautifully together.

In walking humbly with Him, recognizing our position and His, then using His measuring stick as to what justice and mercy are, it is clear how to behave. It’s just not always that easy to apply it all of the time. I know I forget and slip. If I keep the proper perspective, though, I can become better and better at all three of those things, and live more of the life He intends for me.


Lord, it is so easy to get caught up in so many specifics.

Here, though, you sum it up for us, as you have in several other places in the Bible.

Please guide me in acting justly, being merciful and in walking humbly with you. In doing those three things I will live the life you have set out for me. And that is the life I want to live. I want to honor you, Lord. I want what is truly good. Thank you for your love, reminders and forgiveness.

PS: I found it interesting that the last time I hosted Blogging Through the Bible in 90 Days this same vese also struck me. Here’s a link to my last SOAP about it, if you are interested: Act Justly. Love Mercy. Walk humbly with God.


One response to “Bible in 90 Days Day 66 SOAP: The 3 things He requires”

  1. One of my favorite passages of scripture. Ever. And something you can spend an entire year really digging into! Acting justly is toughest for me – metering out the tough love and discipline with my tween, in particular. I tend toward loving mercy more of the time, but without the justice part strongly present, mercy loses value. God’s really got this formula down!!

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