Category: Proverbs in 31 Days
Wanna read the Proverbs in March?
Hello, sweet friends! I realize February has just (kinda) begun and that I’ve already invited you to read the whole Bible, cover to cover, with me starting the day after Easter this April, but, well, I have an invitation for you for March… Wanna read through the Proverbs with me this March???? The reading plan…
A (chapter of) Proverb(s) a Day for March…
Let’s spend some time in Proverbs together! This month I will be reading one chapter of Proverbs each day and I’d love for you to join me in the reading. The Bible holds so much wisdom… and a lot of it is concentrated right in this book. With 31 days in March and 31 chapters,…
Proverbs in 31 Days 2015: Day 30, Proverbs 30: True peace comes from Him
If you are reading with me, today we are on Proverbs 30. (Remembering what to read in the Proverbs is as easy as remembering the day’s date when you read them with me.) That being said: Today’s Reading: Proverbs 30 Using the SOAP devotional method, here’s what I heard this time…
Daily Devotion: 31 Days in Proverbs: Proverbs 26
If you are reading with me, today we are on Proverbs 26. (Remembering what to read in the Proverbs is as easy as remembering the day’s date when you read them with me.) That being said: Today’s Reading: Proverbs 26 Using SOAP devotional method, here’s what I heard…
Daily Devotion: 31 Days in Proverbs: Proverbs 25
August sure is flying by for me. My kids spent their first full week in school last week and I think I had my most productive week in years last week, as well. What was so great about it was that it was productive in so many ways. I got a lot of tasks done,…