Category: Mom’s Journal
Long overdue de-clutter for my 7 year-old
Not too long ago I hosted a party with a bunch of sweet three-year-old princesses and their siblings. I think they all had a fantastic time… but they also used some of their magic powers to destroy my seven-year-old’s bedroom. He was not so impressed. And I couldn’t really blame him. So, at bedtime, we…
A sticky fishy transformation
This past weekend I stuck a bunch of really big fish decals on my son’s walls in hopes of making it look a bit more aquatic and fun. I am pretty excited as to how it turned out. Fortunately, he is, too. I ordered the decals (stickers? home accents?) through an Uppercase Living party. I…
Wow! The Children’s Museum of Houston is getting even better!
The Children’s Museum of Houston is about to premiere a brand new expansion that doubles the size of the museum and it is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! (Yes, I realize capitalizing on the web is the equivalent of shouting and should be reserved for the most appropriate moments. Well, this IS one!!!) And, by the way… Do I…
What do I need for school?
Many many mornings I have realized that I forgot to remind a child to put something in his backpack the night before so we spend the last few moments before heading out the door frantically searching for a library book or show and tell item. This past week at Bible study, it occurred to me…
How to help YOUR husband
I just came across a post at Biblical Womanhood that really spoke to me. It’s called Lovin’ That Man of Mine: a helpmeet to your own husband. Crystal writes about serving her own husband and being his help meet, rather than trying to serve as she reads others are serving. So often I try to…