Category: Uncategorized

  • So what Bible do you read?

    This isn’t a question I’ve asked too many times, but with a new year starting soon and another Bible reading plan wrapping up for me, I’m wondering if it is time to make a change. I’ve been an NIV girl for as long as I’ve read the Bible. I’ve used a couple different copies: The…

  • Day 11: Mom’s Toolbox Advent Calendar

    Hope you’ve been enjoying this season of advent. Here’s your assignment for Day 11: Pray for your extended family. Write down your prayer for at least one individual and mail it to him/ her.   Enjoy sharing God’s love…  See you tomorrow.

  • High heels are working for us

    Incase you’ve been hiding under a rock or perhaps your family is financially supported in a way that is completely US economy-proofed, I thought I’d share this with you: The markets have been a little crazy and a lot down lately. This has led to a rise in stress level for my dh, whose job…

  • The tomb was empty

    Scripture: Mark 6:8 Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid. Observation: This is just after it was discovered that Jesus’ tomb was empty. These women were the first to make the discovery. Application: Even if they had been warned as to…

  • I was a Super-Baby!!

    My mom just forwarded this lovely photo of me.   I must have known about those exercises long ago… Now, why didn’t I just keep them up?? Oh well.