Confessions of a wordly over-achiever

Scripture:  Psalm 63:7

7My salvation and my honor depend on God;

he is my mighty rock, my refuge.

Observation: My honor and my salvation come from God alone.

Application: My honor doesn’t come from the things I do and the people I please. It comes from God alone. No matter what I do here on earth I cannot gain ‘more’ true honor, for honor in Him is all that is truly worthwhile. All other ‘honor’ is just empty thoughts or regards which will one day vanish when the Lord’s kingdom is restored.

What is better:  Fleeting good thoughts from people here on earth or eternal honor which the Lord freely gives to those who seek him?

Wow. This is still a tough one for me. Again, I understand the concept. Yet it is difficult to truly embrace.

Over the past few days I have really been thinking about what motivates me to do what I do. I want people to think highly of me. And so I figure out what is highly regarded and go for it.

I have always been quite the rule-follower and conformist. I earned good grades in school and I was pretty much an over-achiever. (I hope this doesn’t send of you running away from my blog now. I really am a nice person. And God loves me, so there.)

Please don’t get me wrong. I don’t think any of this was intentional. I’ve enjoyed all the activities I’ve pursued, or if I didn’t, the pursuit didn’t last long. I wonder, though, if deep down inside I wasn’t chasing all those pursuits because with each success I would be rewarded by praise.

I don’t think that praise from teachers, parents, employers, friends, spouses and anyone else is wrong. But I think by relying on that praise, the focus of true worth is diluted and often lost. My worth has been based on other’s opinions of me. I am realizing this now.

I have been believing and living a lie. My worth and opinion of myself should not come from other people’s reactions to me. My true worth is based on my relationship to Christ. I am a sinner. I am unworthy of the gift of eternal life which God has given me through his son. And nothing I can do will make me worthy. Yet He has given me that gift anyhow…  Just because He loves me and because I accepted it. That is where I receive my worth and my honor.

This is going to be a tough adjustment for me.  Perhaps this is why making the transition from working woman to stay at home mom was such a tough one. You don’t get too many kudos from a crying, needy baby, unless you can change your language and find them in different things. I no longer had people telling me I was doing a good job or people responding to my work favorably in other ways. But that’s not what God wants me to rely on. Reliance on that is a lie.

I have to refocus and find new purpose for doing what I do.  I need to do what I should do because it is what I am directed to do by God, my master, because that is what He desires and commands. To do that I need to really pay attention to his word, and his word alone.

Society will fill me with more lies if I don’t stay close to Him and really meditate on his direction. And I need to accept his gift of worth and not search it our elsewhere.

Oh this is going to be tough!

Guess it’s time to pray…

Prayer: Oh Lord, I am unworthy of your gift of salvation and honor. I have been living a lie, trying to build my worth through earthy things and gaining approval from those around me. You are the only approval I truly need. Thank you for loving me and saving me from death. Please guide me as I change my focus and do things because you command, not to gain favor from those around me. Help me battle the lies of the world with your truth.


4 responses to “Confessions of a wordly over-achiever”

  1. Somebody's Mimi Avatar
    Somebody’s Mimi

    Don’t forget God gave you all the tools you needed to do all the great things you have done in life… your accomplishments are gifts to Him. Sometimes we forget God made us.

  2. Found you from The Happy Housewife. Awesome blog. I’ll definitely be back. Congrats on the blog award!

  3. Oh Amy, you spoke out to my heart today! I too have been (and still am) a very performance based person and I really like getting praise from others for a job well done. Sometimes I have to “sober” myself up and remind myself what would I do if I became incapacitated and couldn’t do the things that earn praise? Should I be concerned with my hands working or my heart? This is a very, very hard concept and lesson and one I feel like I have to learn over and over and over again. My prayers go out to you as you journey through this as well.

    As a side note, why is it so many Christian women are perfectionists and over-achievers? You’d think being saved by grace we wouldn’t be so eager to do things ourselves. I guess that’s just how the enemy works against us.

  4. Way to go Amy! Great post and very well said. Have a great rest of your vacation. We loved the visit with you and the kids this week!
    The Happy (and extremely unworthy) Housewife

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