Favorite Memories Friday– a terrifying accusation

So this one is a not-so-Favorite Memory. I’m trying to stick with the assignments from Mommy’s Piggy Tales, though, and this is the week of fifth grade.

Fifth grade was the year I was accused of cheating in Social Studies and never wore those plaid gaucho pants and that crisp cotton white blouse ever again.

My friend Kristy was sitting behind me in class and couldn’t see the board.

A test had just begun and she asked me what something said on the chalkboard.

I tried to answer her and then Mrs. Schlottman (I think that is how you spell it) materialized in front of me and accused me of cheating on the test. I remember the tingling of my skin and my heart beating out of my chest. It was still the beginning of the year and obviously she hadn’t heard yet that I was about as goody-goody as it gets. I was terrified.

And, like I said, I never wore those same clothes again for the horrible memory of that day.

About 10 years later I was waiting tables at an Outback Steakhouse near my childhood neighborhood when I saw Mrs. Schlottman eating dinner. I started sweating. My heart jumped into my throat, I couldn’t think straight and I was terrified again. (Mind you, I never cheated, but the accusation made me feel terrible enough!!)

I didn’t know what to do.  I could just feel her there and I was back in fifth grade wearing those awful red plaid gauchos, with Kristy behind me.

I walked over to her table.

“Hi, I’m Amy and I was in your fifth grade Social Studies class a few years back,” I said.

I’m sure she said something polite at this point.

“I just want you to know that I didn’t cheat in your class, although you thought that I did,” I said.

I have no idea what she said next. I just remember feeling like I had to confront  my past and really come clean.  Even though I had done nothing wrong, I still had to clear my name. Yes, I still felt this way 10 years later.

At least now, as I type, I no longer feel that tingling on my neck and my heart no longer races. I have confronted the accuser. And I think I won. Well, maybe. I haven’t re-visited the scene of the supposed crime, yet.


7 responses to “Favorite Memories Friday– a terrifying accusation”

  1. What a story. I’m so glad you confronted Mrs. S.

  2. Just stumbled upon your blog today. Your story reminded me of myself in high school. I think it was my freshman year of high school, and it was a math class with Ms. Hodgkinson. The first day of class, she told us not to pack up our things before she said it was time to go, I guess this was a pet peeve of hers. I, too, was a goody-two-shoe, but must have started packing up early as she came over to me and called me out on it in front of everyone and then said something to the effect that I could flip her off under my desk! She obviously had me pegged wrong as I would never do something so disrespectful. Though I guess in this case, I wasn’t innocent, as I did pack up early. Whereas you were 100% innocent! I believe later in the year she said that she realized she had been wrong on her first impression of me and I really enjoyed her as a teacher. Math was a hard subject for me and she told us openly that she got through math herself by cheating off her boyfriend! Then she obviously did learn it for herself, seeing as she now taught it!

  3. At least you got to confront her and get some closure. It’s weird how sometimes I’ll have a dream that will go back to incident in my childhood or teenage years like this and it feels like it was yesterday.

  4. How horrible to be accused. I was always a goody-goody too and so was my twin sister. She was accused of copying me once just because she was the one sitting behind me while writing about our favorite book. Being twins …our favorite book happened to be the same book and our reports were so similar they “just knew one of you cheated.” Like you, she still bristles! Maybe we should find those teachers on FB!

  5. Greetings from another former goody-goody who was (wrongly) accused of cheating in fifth grade. My teacher was Mrs. Woodbury. Apparently, she thought I was making my test paper “easy to see” so my friend Kris could copy my answers.

    Kris denied trying to copy anything, and I believed her. And I certainly hadn’t been trying to cheat.

    It still makes me mad to think about it, and that was 30 years ago! I have no clue where Mrs. Woodbury is now, but it sure would feel good to tell her I really wasn’t cheating!

  6. One of my worst fears when I was growing up was that a teacher would see me looking up from my paper and think I was cheating. I could feel the emotion you experienced as I read and I’m glad that you were able to put this behind you by talking to her about it. *applause*

    Thank you for all the encouraging comments you’ve left on my blog about my Piggy Tales. Some of them are more to write than others, but still, they have all influenced who I am. Have a fantastic Thanksgiving week!

  7. It’s the worst feeling when you know you are innocent and no one believes you, so I’m really glad you were able to confront her. Good for you!

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