Ugh. Sometimes honesty hurts. And, well, it’s time for another dose of honesty from your Bible in 90 Days facilitator:
Reading the Bible in just 90 days is challenging! It is not an easy task. Things pull you away. Life gets in the way.
Amazingly, though, the Word is always right there, waiting for us when we are ready. He is patient and kind and welcomes us back when we open our hearts and reach out to listen, learn and read.
I am still behind in my reading and I am so very not happy with that. But it is the truth. I was hoping to be caught up by today but as I look back, even setting that goal was unrealistic with all I had on my plate. I just hated to admit it. So, now I’m going to admit it loud and un-proud: I AM BEHIND IN MY READING. I WILL GET CAUGHT UP.
A friend of mine posted a link on Facebook to a story called Why Christian Idealism is Killing Spirituality. Well, my dear readers and friends, I’m definitely not the one with the airbrush of perfection today, am I?
This is real life with Amy. And I mess up a lot. Ugh.
But we are in this together and all of us CAN finish reading the entire Bible together in April. I’m going to catch up slowly and steadily. I am committed to this. I will read every word and not skip, even though I have read them before this. He put those words there for me to read. And that time spent reading will not return void.
My plan is to add a day of reading to each day and to literally keep my Bible with me as much as possible throughout the day so I can grab 5 minutes here and 25 minutes there, after I read for 45 each morning.
What about you? How is your reading coming along? Are you sailing through? Plowing through? Trudging through? Have you reached a road block?
Let us know… we’re in the together, learning, reading and listening to Him. Right now I’m looking beyond my own ego and feeling his arms of grace– and they are pretty sweet, my friends.
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