Let’s claim the internet for the Lord!

Last week one woman in Norfolk, Virginia invited others, via a Facebook post and a few fliers, to a game of Zombie Tag. She expected 100 to show up. City officials estimate that 1,700 attended Friday night.

Last Fall, after gaining permission from the Bible in 90 Days ministry, I asked 11 other bloggers to help me invite blog readers and writers to read the Bible in 90 Days with me. I posted my invitation on MomsToolbox, on Twitter, and on Facebook, and those other bloggers invited readers via their own blogs. I expected about 20 to begin the reading. More than 200 documented readers started with us in January. The second time I Blogged through the Bible in 90 Days, 560 joined the challenge. (The next group begins January 3.)

No, I didn’t have the same turnout as the Zombie Tag game, but like that woman, I was also quite surprised (and delighted) at how the message spread.

Last weekend I attended Relevant, a conference for Christian Women bloggers. It was wonderful to connect, in person, with other bloggers (and a few Bible in 90 Days readers) and really consider my priorities in blogging, but I have to admit that I was surprised that we were not reminded that we, as bloggers, especially as Christian bloggers, have an incredible opportunity before us collectively to influence millions through our words. We are on the cusp of a new movement where we can claim social media and use it with integrity, influencing and educating our readers as we serve the Lord.

This is an important message that needs to be heard, so I am going to say it again in different words:

We can change the world for the Lord using social media.

Many of you already are.

This past weekend we learned quite a lot about managing our priorities and I am thankful for not only being reminded of that, but also being given practical ways to manage our time and our efforts.

But there is more to it than that.

Once our priorities are set, think about what you can do with this wonderful hobby for some and business opportunity for others: We have the opportunity to do something really big for the Lord, here. Let’s grab that chance, use it and spread His love! Let’s show people how they can live joy-filled lives, even when things don’t look so sunny on the surface.

This opportunity is not just for bloggers.

Anyone who uses Twitter, Facebook or even email can influence others for the Lord, whether that be in sharing the gospel message, offering encouragement, or teaching others how to live life better by sharing our own experiences in parenting, managing our homes, saving money, serving others, and any range of other topics.

The internet can be used to encourage, to teach and to share. And you don’t even have to mention the Lord in every post to show His love. All you have to do is blog or post with integrity.

Consider and pray about your motives and content in every post and message, whether your message is how to save money, how you got through a frustrating day, something silly or serious your kids did, how to plan a birthday party or even how to read the entire Bible. Seemingly-frivolous and serious posts can all serve His purposes. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. And then listen and follow His leading.

Your obedience to Him will bring you to write honest, valuable posts for your followers, whomever they may be, whatever your content may be. Your obedience will enable us to claim the internet for the Lord, whether you mention His name or not.

If a simple Facebook post can gather 1,700 zombies, how many followers do you think you can influence for the Lord?

So, tell me, how are you serving the Lord via the internet? Or what changes will you make so that you will?

This post is linked to Works for Me Wednesday.


11 responses to “Let’s claim the internet for the Lord!”

  1. Sus Schmitt Avatar
    Sus Schmitt

    Hi, Amy,

    Love your post and thanks for working with GMO! I’m with Campus Crusade for Christ and my heart is to help women use technology for ministry. I write about using technology for ministry in an easy-to-understand way at http://equipping4eministry.wordpress.com/

  2. Just this…


    Truly, a joy to meet you…

    All’s grace,

  3. I agree! But I actually think that for those who were really tuned in at the Relevant Conference, that message probably came through on its own. The message that came across to me at Relevant was to put God first in everything you do, and seek His will for your life and Your blog. So, if people take that message to heart, I think God will lead each of them to blog (and use all methods of social networking) in a way that brings Him glory. I know that is how He is leading me since the conference – I am even thinking of starting a new blog as a result. :) Perhaps if there is a Relevant 11 they will focus more on how to reach people for Jesus. For now, I think God will be doing the work.

  4. I agree completely! The opportunity to spread God’s word is what keeps me blogging. I loved meeting you this weekend. I only wish that I had more time this weekend to talk to you about GMO. I’m going there now to check it out. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I do wanna ask…do you @ GMO get alot from kids/youth? I am a children’s pastor and that’s who my heart goes out to….

  6. Wow, you are from GMO
    I love that site…
    I am prayin about it….
    I hate to commit when I am swimming on grace now with responsibilities – homeschooling 4 , 2 toddler twins…etc

    What about the 90 day thing, do pp join midyr?

  7. I think you are right in that social media can be used for God’s glory to impact the world, but for me I do have to be careful that I do not allow it to “take over”. Does that make sense. Loved reading your thoughts.

  8. I absolutely LOVE your initiative!! I downloaded the Bible in 90 days to my iPad and plan on starting with you in January. I love your post, God is changing lives through the Internet and I feel so blessed that He is using me to beva part of it through my blog………a broken, recovering alcoholic, divorced (remarried), mother of two boys, beloved child of God who found that without Him I am NOTHING! He is making BEAUTY of my mess and allowing me to be a light for HIM! I read His Word daily! But you have inspired me to start the 90 day read- looking forward to what Hes got in store for me through that.

    Thank you for sharing your heart! Wish I could’ve attended relevant, but was at a different conference last week where God showed UP…….soooooo cool!

    Teri Johnson

  9. I love this post and wholeheartedly agree!! Thanks for sharing!! :)

  10. I tweeted a statistic last weekend from the #Capetown2010 missions conference that basically said a LOT of people come to the Lord via social media (I wish I could remember the number). How encouraging! What we are doing is making a difference for eternity.

  11. I couldn’t agree more….the internet and social media can be used for God’s glory! It is my prayer that each of my posts, weather they be funny stories or thoughtful insights are used for Him, to further His kingdom and encourage His people. Thank you for doing the same and for always staying true to what you’ve been called to do!

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