Listen before responding. Proverbs 18

If you are reading the Proverbs in 31 Days with us, our reading for today is Proverbs 18.

Scripture: Proverbs 18:13

He who answers before listening–

that is his folly and his shame


Listen (to the whole story) before responding.


I see two applications here:

One: It is important to not jump in and respond to someone, but pause and really give the other person a chance to finish their thoughts before sharing my own. I can be terrible about wanting to jump in and share my own side or thoughts before the other person is really finished talking. This isn’t polite if I agree or disagree. I should always wait, listen, think and then respond.

Two: Before responding to situations, I should pause and listen to God. Go to Him. Ask Him. And then listen.


Lord, thank you for meeting me when I invite conversation with you.. and thank you for meeting me even when I forget sometimes.

Please help me to stop cutting others off in conversation and help me instead to be a much better listener. Help me, also, to be a better listener to you, as well.

Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom, Lord. Please guide me in applying it and really living it.

What about you?

What struck you in our reading today?


2 responses to “Listen before responding. Proverbs 18”

  1. Manju Sara Jacob Avatar
    Manju Sara Jacob

    it is quite amazing how God shows us the same things…. For quite a few times I have had the same SOAP’s .. all 4 of them! This mornings verse had indeed been a slap too! Thanks for a real waking up at 6 am, literally too!
    I have been following this fro the beginning and I write my SOAP on my Bible next to the chapter. I leave my Bible home close to my husbands side of the bed and he also reads it and sometimes we have discussions on it too… This is a big step from not doing anything related to Bible reading together for a long time! Praise God!

  2. Julie Breshears Avatar
    Julie Breshears

    I thought about doing that verse as well, as I’m guilty of doing the same thing but God slapped some sense into me today with Proverbs 18:2 :)

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