Love Does things like take your kid to hear a great speaker…

Last week I pulled my older son out of school to attend an incredible luncheon with me.

“There will likely be chicken breast for lunch, iced tea and maybe chocolate cake for dessert,” I said, thinking of all the fundraising luncheons I had attended. “But it will be soooo worth it,” I continued. And I was right. Except the cake was vanilla.

It was most definitely soooooo worth it.

My husband had been captivated by the book “Love Does,” by Bob Goff. Bob is an incredible gentleman who shows his love for others, and God by, well, doing.

He does so many amazing loving cool things. His book tells great stories of his great actions. Yet these are actions each of us can do, too, if we just take a moment to care enough and then follow through.

Bob was speaking at a fundraiser for All In Family Ministries and one of my friends was another speaker at the luncheon. (She was awesome, too!)

My son learned a lot and was inspired. I learned a lot and was inspired. It was a great afternoon.

After he spoke, my son and I talked with Bob who let us know he would be speaking again later in the week in Houston. So, for my double date Saturday night with my husband and another couple, we celebrated true love and went to see Bob speak at Ecclesia downtown. And I was moved again.

Do you want a little sunshine and a lot of inspiration in your life?

Check out “Love Does.” And get ready to smile through every chapter as you see what a big heart and zest for life can do. I dare you not to be inspired.


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