Must schedule better to be more clear-minded

Scripture: 1 Peter 4:7

The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray.

Observation: Don’t just pray haphazardly. Prayer is important so be intentional about it.

Application:I really need to get back in the habit of waking before everyone else and praying, reading and journaling. I have been going to bed later, which means I haven’t been getting up early… Which means that I’ve just been shoving my devotional time into my schedule wherever I could fit it.

This must change. I need to make time and start with the most important thing (this) and go from there. By shoving it in, I haven’t been clear-minded in my prayers because I have been thinking about all the things that need to be done rather than focusing on listening.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord for showing me how I can get things back in line: I obviously need to start with getting my prayer time back in line. I will go to bed at a more reasonable hour tonight and I will rise early tomorrow and spend time with you before my mind wanders and I’m just “fitting you in.”

Guide me in being intentional with my time so that I can and will get to bed earlier and will hear your call in the morning.

I’ve been feeling “off” and overwhelmed lately. Thank you for showing me what the root of it is. Empower me to make the change.


One response to “Must schedule better to be more clear-minded”

  1. This is a really great message for this time of the year! I have been feeling the same way! It is so overwhelming lately, hard to fit everyone in! Thanks for reminding me what is important and to make a “time” for that!

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