No more maggots from my manna

(I hope I didn’t gross you out with my title.  It is kind of icky.)

Scripture: Exodus 16:17-20

17So the people of Israel went out and gathered this food-some getting more, and some getting less. 18By gathering two quarts for each person, everyone had just enough. Those who gathered a lot had nothing left over, and those who gathered only a little had enough. Each family had just what it needed.

19Then Moses told them, “Do not keep any of it overnight.” 20But, of course, some of them didn’t listen and kept some of it until morning. By then it was full of maggots and had a terrible smell. And Moses was very angry with them.

Observation: God provided the exact amount of food needed for the Israelites every day. Through Moses, He gave explicit instructions on gathering the food. Some gathered more than instructed and some less… yet everyone had exactly what they needed. Those who tried to hoard the food, thereby not trusting the Lord to provide, found that their food went bad.

Application: How incredible would that have been to be a part of that: really seeing in an undeniable way how the Lord alone provided for the entire community exactly what everyone needed, with everyone relying fully on God. And those who hoarded quickly learned it would do them no good.

Hmm. How much do I rely on God? And why do I hoard so much? I have so much stuff that sits unused in my closets, pantry, attic and garage. Are those my maggots? I need to clear that stuff out and pass it along to those who can put it to good use. Rather than assuming that “it might come in handy some day.” I bet it could sure help lots of other people right now. And instead I sit on it and get irritated about all my clutter.

And I need to stop acquiring more than I need. I do that a LOT because something looks fun and interesting…At the time.

Hmmm. I need to stop hoarding and start blessing others. I need to hold back and really think about my purchases. And I need to ask God to help me to do that… and to shift my reliance on Him.

Prayer: Lord, you have really blessed me many times over. And I am keeping so many of those blessings to myself. Guide me in making good decisions on clearing out the clutter and finding the right homes for my excess. (And then please keep me from filling up the empty spaces with more clutter!) Guide us in leaning on you, and seeking your guidance more. I feel like you are bringing us to that place, and I want to continue on that journey. Thank you for your incredible gifts and faithfulness.



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