Not my eloquence, but His power 1 Corinthians 2:1

Wow! I am so glad I am reading 1 Corinthians with you!

Today, I opened my Bible to read the second chapter and was smacked with so much reassurance.

Here’s what grabbed me:

Wait, before we get to that, I’ve got a tip for you to help keep you reading with me each day: If you ‘like’ MomsToolbox on Facebook or follow MomsToolbox on Twitter, you’ll get reminders of each day’s reading assignment. Each night I post the next day’s reading. If you do follow me on Facebook and you don’t see my info in your stream, go visit my page and leave some sort of a comment (a happy one, please) and you’re engagement with the page will likely bring me back into your stream.

Okay, on with SOAP:

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:1

When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God.


Paul may not not have with a lot of traditional knowledge about Jesus. His testimony stood on his experiences with the Holy Spirit.


Oh, how I LOVE this!

So often I feel inadequate to share about Jesus. So often I feel as though I don’t know nearly enough to share and not feel like an idiot.

When I first started blogging about my daily devotionals I was terrified about being judged and yet I stepped out in faith. I felt Him pulling me to write and share. In the process, my relationship with my Father has grown more than I ever expected. And I have brought more people to Christ than I had ever anticipated. Really. Ministry was not a path I ever thought I’d follow. And yet, here I am, pointing people to Christ.

I run a website out of love that talks about Christ that is banned in some countries. I sure did not see that coming.

Am I educated and eloquent on the Bible? No. But I listen to it its teachings, ask questions and try to listen to those answers. Then I share much of what I hear here.

You don’t have to be eloquent or have superior wisdom to share about the Holy Spirit. You just need to know and share your own story.

His power will do the rest.


Lord, I hope this reaches at least one person who is afraid to share about you and emboldens her. God, let each of us know that our story with you is the only story we need to share in order to share you.

I am so thankful you encouraged me to blog my devotionals and then encouraged me to invite others to read the Bible in 90 Days with me. It amazes me that you let me work with you on such an exciting project.

Encourage and embolden others, Lord, so they may set their own fears and understanding aside and let you lead them to amazing feats that can only happen with you.

I know that I could only have reached so many through MomsToolbox as a result of YOUR power and the Holy Spirit’s work. It is not my own planning or writing or promoting that is changing lives. It is your power alone. I just get to come along for the ride. Please, Lord, reveal this to my readers so they, too can lean on you and see where your power takes them and others.

P.S. For those of you planning to attend the 2:1 Conference in April. We are going to be talking a lot about this during my presentation. I can’t wait!


4 responses to “Not my eloquence, but His power 1 Corinthians 2:1”

  1. PortRoyalSC Avatar

    Hi Amy, I just discovered your site yesterday so I am catching up to the current readings.

    Out of the first four chapters we have read so far, what really struck me was 1 Corinthians 2:9: “However, as it is written: ‘What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived—the things God has prepared for those who love him.”

    This particular scripture sent shivers down my spine and just made me smile. It made me think of Heaven, although I am sure it can be applied to other aspects of life as well. My 89-year-old grandmother is struggling to survive a chronic life-threatening illness, so losing her has been at the forefront of my mind lately. While mortality is something most of us fear, I find comfort and peace in that we can’t even begin to comprehend what awaits us in Heaven. What an amazing idea…

    1. I am so glad you are reading with us. ;)
      And I love how the reading is touching you and comforting you already. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.

  2. Barry_hoff87 Avatar

    While it is true that Paul did not stand on his wisdom and knowledge, it is not true that he did not possess that wisdom and knowledge.

    Paul had an extreme amount of traditional knowledge of God. He was educated under one of, if not thee most, esteemed rabbi of his day. He would have had the first five books of the Bible committed to memory from his childhood and much of Psalms. You need to read the book of Acts and study ancient Jewish education to see just who Paul was.

    1. Thanks for chiming in.
      I have read and studied Acts. I haven’t studied ancient Jewish education, though. And I am sorry for my mistake.

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