Yesterday I followed the advice given me the day before and reached out to the department chair at a university that I am hoping can and will help me with a project for VineSleuth/ Wine4.Me. In following that advice, though,…
Last night’s hot date…
Last night I went on a great date. And, although I am married, the date wasn’t with my husband or with my children. My husband, however, encouraged me to go. The evening began with a hand-crafted cocktail, served in a…
Daily Advent Activities for Moms: December 18
Pray for your immediate family… as a group and as individuals. To help you focus and be in the moment, write down your prayers as you pray them.
Daily Advent Activities for Moms: December 17
Pray for your children’s teachers and school administration. If you don’t have children, think of a teacher who really impacted you and pray for him or her. Then pray for one you didn’t like very much.
Daily Advent Activities for Moms: December 16
Go tele-caroling: Call a relative or two and sing a Christmas carol right when they answer. (Or enlist your children to do it for you/ with you.)
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