Be a secret Santa and get your kids in on the act. Give someone a simple gift and don’t take credit. You could leave baked goods, candy or a sweet anonymous note on a neighbor’s doorstep. Anyone else have any…
Daily Advent Activities for Moms: December 14
Pray for some of your friends by name that they may have a peaceful, joy-filled, Christ-centered Christmas. Consider sending those for whom you prayed a note letting them that you prayed for them.
Daily Advent Activities for Moms: December 13
Get ready for Christmas part 3: Make some spiced cider, enjoy it with your kids and ask them what they would like to do over the school break. Make a point to do at least one realistic request. If you…
Daily Advent Activities for Moms: December 12
After the kids are all ready for bed and in their pajamas, load them in the car for a surprise drive to look at Christmas lights. Bring hot chocolate or spiced cider and cookies in the car or consider going…
Hard boiled eggs– with easy-to-peel shells
Although it is Christmastime and I am surrounded by delicious, fatty foods, I am also trying extra hard to watch what I eat and shoot for healthier choices. I’ve come to appreciate hard-boiled eggs for their ease and their nutritional…
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