Look through old Christmas pictures with your family this evening. What sweet memories do they bring to mind? If there are any not-so-sweet memories, what can you do to reconcile (or let go of) the icky ones? Ask your kids…
Daily Advent Activities for Moms: December 10
Take a bubble bath tonight and listen to instrumental Christmas carols … or put it on your calendar for another date this week and do not cancel.
Daily Advent Activities for Moms: December 9
Read John 1:1-18 to your family or enjoy some quiet reading with yourself and God. Light a candle before you read to help set the tone of reflection.
Daily Advent Activities for Moms: December 8
Sometimes in all the hustle and bustle of life, my husband and I don’t get to connect as often as we’d like. During December, things can get really crazy, especially. And with so much emotion tied up into Christmas, mixed…
This week’s daily Bible reading & #SOAPDevo: 2 Corinthians 13- Galatians 6
Happy Monday, friends! A whole new weeks stands ready to be conquered and enjoyed! I hope that you are able to take your time reading and listening to His word each day. I know that sometimes it is a challenge to…
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