Are you joining me in the simple daily advent activities each day this month until Christmas Day? If so, here’s your refreshment for today, December 2:
Nutter Butter Snowman Cookies & Best Party Recipes for Sharing
My daughter loves to decorate cookies. She also loves to bake and cook just about anything with me in the kitchen, but most recently we came up with a sweet treat we knew we had to share with you: Nutter…
Simple Daily Advent Activities for Moms: December 1
You don’t need me to tell you that Christmas is right around the corner and all that entails. We all know how joyful this season is supposed to be, yet often it gets hijacked by stress. Back in 2008, I…
This week’s daily Bible reading & #SOAPDevo: 2 Corinthians 6-12
Happy Monday and welcome to December! For the first time for as long as I can remember, our Christmas tree is already up and it is just the first of December! Wooo-Hooo! To be honest, this might also be the…
Watch me on TV today & find out what wines to enjoy this Thanksgiving
Good morning, friends! It’s been a whirlwind week! Last weekend I judged wines for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, then flew off to London, England Sunday afternoon for the Wine Vision conference where I learned a lot, heard some interesting and…
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