The Bible in 90 Days reading for Friday is… Cover to Cover Plan 1st Corinthians 15:1- Galatians 3:25 Daily SOAP Devotional: Click through to read what I heard in this passage: Day 82 I am His letter Chronological Plan Acts 21:37–28:32 Ephesians…
Tempranillo Day Wine Reviews
Today is #TempranilloDay, as declared in 2011 by TAPAS (Tempranillo Advocates Producers and Amigos Society), as if we needed an excuse to try a new wine, and a red one at that! I’ve already been a Tempranillo fan for some time,…
DIY Fall Decor: Painted Acorns
I love to see something from nature transformed into home decor. Catherine from Freddy and Petunia has done just that with this awesome painted acorn craft. With some spraypaint and hot glue, she created these beauties. Depending on the colors…
Bible in 90 Days: Day 81
The Bible in 90 Days reading for Thursday is… Cover to Cover Plan Romans 15:1- 1st Corinthians 14:40 Daily SOAP Devotional: Click through to read what I heard in this passage: Day 81 A spirit of unity Chronological Plan 2 Corinthians 2:5–13:14 Acts…
Bible in 90 Days: Day 80
The Bible in 90 Days reading for Wednesday is… Cover to Cover Plan Acts 28:17 Romans 14:23 Chronological Plan Romans 5:1–16:27 2 Corinthians 1:1–2:4 How are you doing so far? Please feel free to share in the comments. Also, consider tweeting your…
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