The Bible in 90 Days reading for Sunday is… Cover to Cover Plan Ezekiel 47:13- Daniel 8:27 Daily SOAP Devotional: Click through to read what I heard in this passage: Day 63 Strength through the struggle Chronological Plan Nehemiah 3:1–12:26 1 Chronicles 9:1b-34…
Bible in 90 Days: Day 62
The Bible in 90 Days reading for Saturday is… Cover to Cover Plan Ezekiel 36:1-47:12 Chronological Plan Ezra 6:14b-22 Ezra 4:6 Esther 1:1–10:3 Ezra 4:7-23 Ezra 7:1–8:36 Ezra 9:1–10:44 Nehemiah 1:1–2:20 How are you doing so far? Please feel free to share…
Bible in 90 Days: Day 61
The Bible in 90 Days reading for Friday is… Cover to Cover Plan Ezekiel 23:40-35:15 Daily SOAP Devotional: Click through to read what I heard in this passage: Day 61 He is my shepherd. Always Chronological Plan Daniel 10:1–12:13 Ezra 4:24–5:1 Haggai…
Some insight for reading the minor prophets of the Bible
Guest Post by Bible in 90 Days mentor, Laura Odom As the cover to cover Bible in 90 Days readers are rolling into and through the minor prophets, Laura, mentor to group 17, shares some insight to help set…
Bible in 90 Days: Day 60
The Bible in 90 Days reading for Thursday is… Cover to Cover Plan Ezekiel 12:21-23:39 Daily SOAP Devotional: Click through to read what I heard in this passage: Day 60 Change your ways and be forgiven Chronological Plan Ezekiel 47:1–48:35 Ezekiel 29:17–30:19…
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