The Bible in 90 Days reading for Sunday is… Cover to Cover Plan Psalm 69:22-81:13 Daily SOAP Devotional: Click through to read what I heard in this passage: Day 42 Can you praise the Lord always? Chronological Plan Isaiah 12:1-6 Isaiah 17:1-14…
Bible in 90 Days: Day 41
The Bible in 90 Days reading for Saturday is… Cover to Cover Plan Psalm 45:15-69:21 Daily SOAP Devotional: Click through to read what I heard in this passage: Day 41 He bears my burdens Chronological Plan 2 Kings 14:1-14 2 Chronicles 25:1-24 2 Kings 13:12-13…
Don’t’s for catching up with the Bible in 90 Days
Reading the entire Bible in 90 days a big challenge. I know you can do it, though, if you are really committed to the challenge. You have to be determined. You have to plan. And you cannot let Satan trip…
Bible in 90 Days: Day 40
The Bible in 90 Days reading for Friday is… Cover to Cover Plan Psalm 25:1-45:14 Daily SOAP Devotional: Click through to read what I heard in this passage: Day 40 What is your strength Chronological Plan 2 Kings 5:1–8:15 2 Chronicles 21:8-20 2 Kings…
Do’s for catching up with the Bible in 90 Days
If you committed to read the Bible in 90 Days with us this session, you might be cruising along, you might be struggling to keep up or, yes, you might be just about out of steam (or even all out…
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