Today’s reading is Esther Chapter 4. If you’d like to join us for the rest of the month of Bible reading through Esther and Hebrews, click over to see this month’s reading schedule. Here is what I heard using the…
Spelling and the Dictionary
My son just came up to me and asked me how to spell “diamond.” I started to spell it for him, but then I told him to use the dictionary. “How am I supposed to use the dictionary if I…
Esther 2 & 3 SOAP
Today’s reading is Esther, Chapters 2 & 3. This is the only time in this reading session that we will double up and do two chapters. Yesterday’s SOAP entry sure got some conversation going! I like seeing people respond to…
Esther 1 SOAP: Respect your husband’s wishes
I hope you’ll join me in this month’s reading of Esther. Today’s reading is Esther Chapters 1. Click over to see this month’s full reading schedule. In using the SOAP devotional method, here is what stood out to me in…
Bible reading for July: Esther and Hebrews
I intended to post this yesterday, and the day got away from me, so I’ve merged my intended reading for Tuesday and Wednesday into one. I feel confident we can slide in an extra 5 minutes or so of reading…
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