I was surprised to read this ABC News report about flavor enhancers being added to premium, ‘fresh’ orange juices. Guess my Vita-Mix is going to have to work a little harder so I can keep things fresh around here! Will…
Where are all the Titus Two Women
Looking for a godly woman to mentor you and don’t know where to start? You aren’t alone! Gina over at Keepin’ It Real offers some practical advice on finding guidance and seeking out that Titus 2 woman…
Excuses, excuses. Luke 14
Hi there! I hope you are enjoying this read through Luke and are hearing God’s voice speaking to you. If you are using the SOAP devotional format, what do you think about it? If you aren’t what are you using…
Bear Fruit! Luke 13
Today our reading is Luke 13. Here is what I heard: Scripture: Luke 13: 8-9 “Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year,…
Be ready. Luke 12
Hi there! Happy Saturday! If you are reading Luke with me this month, today our reading is Luke 12. Here is what stood out to me in today’s reading: Scripture: Luke 12: 35 Be dressed ready for service and keep…
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