Guest post by Bible in 90 Days mentor Sara M. Who doesn’t like gifts? Even if you prefer giving to receiving, you have to admit there is something exciting about the act of gift exchange. Have you given much…
Blogging Through the Gospels: He was blameless
The reading for Thursday is John chapter 19 . Here is what I heard: Scripture: John 19:4 Once more Pilate came out and said to the Jews, “Look, I am bringing him out to you to let you know that…
True Confessions of First-time Bible reader
Guest post by Janet, Bible in 90 Days grad and mentor. True Confession #1: Before this challenge, I had never read the Bible before. I take that back. I had never read the ENTIRE Bible before. I know many of…
A special dessert for a lady party… and my family
While I was cutting angel food cake, whipping cream and washing berries to make a trifle yesterday, my son came up to me. “Is this for dessert?” he said, expectantly. “Oh, honey,” I said, “This is for my lady party.…
Blogging Through the Gospels: He was and is a King
The reading for Wednesday is John Chapter 18. Here is what I heard: Scripture: John 18:37 “You are a king, then!” said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I…
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