All too often my husband and I are coaxing our kids to eat. Our kids, on average, are pretty good eaters, but all too often we have the “Just three more bites,” conversation, or try to encourage our daughter to…
Blogging Through the Gospels: Luke 20
The reading for Tuesday is Luke Chapter 20. Here is what I heard: Scripture: Luke 20:46 “Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted in the marketplaces and…
Nook or Kindle? Which eReader do you love?
Now that summer travel and summer reading is in full swing, and now that the new Nook has been released, I am weighing the options of buying an eReader. But I am not sure which route to take… Kindle or…
Blogging Through the Gospels: Luke 19
Guest SOAP Post by Kristina. The reading for Monday is Luke Chapter 19 . Kristina is a Bible in 90 Days graduate and chose to share her observations on the whole chapter rather than narrow it down to one verse.…
Blogging Through the Gospels: Week 11 Reading Schedule
Here is the reading schedule for week 11, which begins tomorrow. If you have been reading and journaling or blogging with us, I hope you have already heard some messages which were perfect for you and I hope your prayer…
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