Last weekend, while I was attending the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration at Walt Disney World, I was given a most incredible gift. If you follow Momstoolbox on Facebook or Twitter, you probably know that Andrea of Savings Lifestyle, a…
Super Quick Mom Tip: Getting kids to get things DONE quickly
I think Kristin might have a great idea here for encouraging/ challenging her kids to get stuff done RIGHT AWAY without nagging. And I just might try it on myself, too. Swing over to The Solomon Story and check it…
Bible in 90 Days Day 81
Day 81 Reading: Romans 15:1- 1st Corinthians 14:40 Daily SOAP Devotional: Day 81 A spirit of unity Want to connect with your group? Click to go to this week’s Bible in 90 Days check in post. Once there, click on…
How to combat irritated allergy eyes
My eyes love to look at Spring, but my eyes suffer for it… big time. For the past several weeks I haven’t been able to wear my contacts nearly as long as I would like to each day and, almost…
Bible in 90 Days Day 80
Day 80 Reading: Acts 28:17 Romans 14:23 Want to connect with your group? Click to go to this week’s Bible in 90 Days check in post. Once there, click on your group number or letter and leave a comment for…
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