We are definitely cruising into the homestretch now! Stay strong and press on, even if you have slipped so far back that it feels like there is no hope at all. There IS ALWAYS still hope that you will hear…
Cycling Training Wake-up Call
Earlier today I rode in my first training ride of the season for the MS-150, a 2-day, 180-mile ride to raise awareness of and funds to battle Multiple Sclerosis. Here’s a quick video from the rest stop at mile 30…
Cycling prayer request
Sunday morning I’m off for a 47-mile bike ride. With a few hills. It’s a training ride for a much bigger ride coming my way. In just under 6 weeks I will be riding in my fourth BP MS 150,…
Bible in 90 Days Day 62 & 63
Day 62 Reading: Ezekiel 36:1-47:12 Day 63 Reading: Ezekiel 47:13- Daniel 8:27 Daily SOAP Devotional: Day 63 Strength through the struggle Want to connect with your group? Click to go to this week’s Bible in 90 Days check in post.…
Bible in 90 Days: Wisdom from one who Leaned on Him… and finished in 47 days
I received this email from a new Bible in 90 Days grad. Yes, that’s right, she has already finished her reading. But there is much more to her story. Read it and let it wash over you… Hi Amy, I…
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