Did you miss last night’s Bible in 90 Days Twitter Party? Have no fear, the transcript is here! Click over, check it out and see what you missed… Week 6 #B90Days Twitter Party Transcript
Bible in 90 Days Day 37
Day 37 Reading: Job 8:1-24:25 Want to connect with your group? Click to go to this week’s Bible in 90 Days check in post. Once there, click on your group number or letter and leave a comment for others in…
Bible in 90 Days Week 6 Check in Post
Welcome, Bible in 90 Days readers, to Week 6! We are trucking along and, even if you are feeling a bit (or a LOT) behind, you are still making your way through the Bible with us. And you can still…
Why 90 Days? Do I really need to stick to the schedule?
I am often asked “Why 90 days?” when it comes to the Bible in 90 Days. And, almost as often, I get comments from readers who have decided that sticking with our schedule doesn’t really matter. Bettie, a Bible in…
Prayer requests, anyone?
I’ve added a new tab to the top of MomsToolbox. Did you see it? It’s called “Need Prayer?” Go check it out and spread the word to those who are looking for prayer. And then pray. Thanks!
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