My friend Joy homeschools her three children and she has some fantastic teaching tricks up her sleeve that I plan to use when the time is right with my own (not homeschooled) children. She has a way of making learning…
Bible in 90 Days Day 31
Day 31 Reading: 1st Chronicles 24:1-2nd Chronicles 7:10 Daily SOAP Devotional: Day 31 Acknowledge and serve Him wholeheartedly! Want to connect with your group? Click to go to this week’s Bible in 90 Days check in post. Once there, click on…
Do you Cupid?
For the past 2 years my kids and I have enjoyed sharing some secret Valentine’s love around our neighborhood by going Cupiding. Now that February is here, it’s time to start the fun again. Wanna know what it’s all about?…
Super Quick Mom Tip: No lipstick on your teeth
Who likes to wear lipstick on your teeth? Certainly not me! I picked this tip up back in high school and have kept my teeth lipstick-free since then (except the very few times I have forgotten to do this little…
#B90Days Week 5 Twitter Party Transcript is UP!
Did you miss last night’s Bible in 90 Days Twitter party? There was a lot of great discussion! Due to popular demand, and the help of our awesome B90Days Twitter Party Coordinator Kimarie of The Cardamom’s Pod, I have posted…
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