Ya’ll, we are plugging right along… can you believe how far we have already come?! All you first-timers: Have you ever made it this far into the Bible? And second-and-more-timers: How does it feel for you, too? I am so…
Bible in 90 Days Day 17
Day 17 Reading: Joshua 15:1- Judges 3:27 Daily SOAP Devotional: Day 17: How could they forget? Want to connect with your group? Click to go to this week’s Bible in 90 Days check in post. Once there, click on your…
Bible in 90 Days Day 16
I missed y’all last night at the #B90Days Twitter party, but as far as I heard, it was a great meet up. Thanks, again to Samantha and Dana for serving as hostesses and also thanks to CardamomsPod for serving as…
Bible in 90 Days Week 3 Check in Post
Welcome to the Week 3 Check in Post! Near the end of this post, please find your group, click on it and leave a comment on your group’s page. That comment will be your official check in. You must do…
Bible in 90 Days: Let’s pray for our lost readers
This morning I was reminded of the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son in Luke 15. Our lost readers of the Bible in 90 days came to mind. More than 1020 readers signed up…
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