Thanks to everyone who showed up and shared during last night’s Twitter party! It was wonderful to see so many tweeting about the Bible and sharing great tips and observations. Keep up the tweeting… and keep up the reading! Now,…
Bible in 90 Days: Twitter Party Rules of Engagement
I’m really looking forward to our second Twitter party to discuss this session of the Bible in 90 Days/ Blogging Through the Bible in 90Days. With just about an hour to go until we ‘meet,’ (it’s from 8-9 CST) I…
Bible in 90 Days Week 2 Check in Post
This is it, the weekly check in post, where you will check in and let us know how you are coming with your reading. But, before we get to that, it is also Day 8 and here is your reading…
Free Picky Eater Ebook
Do you have some picky eaters in your house? My sister-in-law, a military wife and homeschooling mom of seven who also blogs at The Happy Housewife, (and is a Bible in 90 Days graduate) has come across a few picky…
Bible in 90 Days Days 6 & 7
Here we are on our first weekend of reading! I am so excited for each of you who is still with us, or just jumping in right now. Yes, setting aside the time to read each and every day can…
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