When I’m not reading through the Bible in 90 Days, I use this reading plan to keep me in the Word daily. If you aren’t already following a daily plan, or you are between plans, I hope you’ll consider joining…
Real (Experienced) Mom Judy Douglass
I love the way the internet can bring people together. Not too long ago I was tweeting about my love of Global Media Outreach, when my tweet was retweeted and a relationship was born between two previous strangers. I have…
How to read your Bible daily
A quick look through MomsToolbox will let you know that I have a passion for the Bible in 90 Days program. But I don’t always read the Bible that way. Sometimes I engage in deeper studies, and sometimes I like…
On vacation in Florida…
I’m in Florida with my kids for few days, enjoying family, Disney and, hopefully, a space shuttle launch next week. Wanna see what we are up to (and read all about my first day of Disney fails)? Swing on over…
An evening of Disney fails by Mom at the Not-So-Scary-Halloween Party
Last night I had a bit of a Disney fail. Okay, maybe it was actually fail after fail. There was rushing due to lack of time (ummm, or poor planning), sweatshirts left at home and yes, even missed fireworks. (I…
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