My husband doesn’t fold the towels the same way that I do. This troubled me for years. I appreciated that he was helping, but I was always re-folding so that the towels would stack perfectly in the cabinets. Never mind…
SOAP Daily Devotion: Enjoying His Word
When I’m not reading through the Bible in 90 Days, I use this reading plan to keep me in the Word daily. If you aren’t already following a daily plan, or you are between plans, I hope you’ll consider joining…
SOAP Daily Devotion: God brings big results
When I’m not reading through the Bible in 90 Days, I use this reading plan to keep me in the Word daily. If you aren’t already following a daily plan, or you are between plans, I hope you’ll consider joining…
Seeking Family Devotional Ideas
Last week I received an email from a reader who is searching for a devotional which centers on family issues. From her email: I was wondering if you have a suggestion for a topical devotional for raising kids (boys) or…
Bible in 90 Days Meet-up in Pennsylania
Are you a Bible in 90 Days/ Blogging Through the Bible in 90 Days Finisher (of either session)… or will you be one very soon? Or have you tried to read with us and need a bit of encouragement to…
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