Our reading for today is Acts 8-13:12. Our reading for tomorrow is Acts 13:13- Acts 18. Good morning! This weekend we are crossing the half way point of our reading of the New Testament, my friends. WOW!!!! How does THAT…
Day 19 of the New Testament in 40 Days!
Good morning and welcome to Friday and Day 19! Our reading for today is Acts 3-7. There is SO much packed into today’s reading! Today there is more healing, a prison escape (or something of the sort), and a shaking…
There is SO MUCH BEAUTY in Day 16 of the New Testament in 40 Days, y’all!
Hello, sweet friends! It is TUESDAY, the last day of my birth month when I get to pass the birthday baton on to my younger son. His birthday is later this week. When he was younger, he thought the Fourth…
Check in Time! Day 15 of the New Testament in 40 Days
Yowza! It’s Day 15 already! Our reading today is John 3-6… and it is check in day! Today’s post nearly got away from me. I woke up, read, prayed, hopped into my day, got into all the Monday things and…
Days 13 & 14 of the New Testament in 40 Days
Happy Weekend to you!! Our reading for today is Luke 17- Luke 22:38. Sunday’s reading is Luke 22:39- John 2. Wow– the last book of the gospels begins tomorrow!! Yes, things may be getting a touch repetitive as happens in…
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