I’m on a plane again. This time I am flying home from our little kid-free adventure in the St. Louis area for my husband’s cousin’s wedding. We had a wonderful time. My refrain for the weekend seemed to be “I…
Bible in 90 Days Week 10/ Day 64 Check in
Happy Labor Day… and Happy Week 10 of the Bible in 90 Days! By the time you go to sleep tonight, to be up to date you should have read up to Hosea 13:6 or page 768 in the Bible…
Bible in 90 Days Day 63 SOAP: Strength in the struggle
Today’s Reading:Ezekiel 47:13- Daniel 8:27 Scripture: Daniel 3:18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” Observation: We…
We’re traveling kid-free
Today I flew. Or actually, I am flying right now. But I won’t post this until later. Thanks to my husband’s cousin and his fiancé, I am on a plane, child-free but with my husband, heading to a wedding in…
Bible in 90 Days Day 61 SOAP: He is my shepherd. Always.
Today’s Reading: Ezekiel 23:40- Ezekiel 35:15 Scripture: Ezekiel 34: 31 You my sheep, the sheep of my pasture, are people and I am your God, declares the Sovereign Lord.’ “ Observation: I will guide you as a shepherd guides sheep.…
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