I could really use sme time management guidance from the experts. I want to do way more than I can ever make the time to do. So I am asking you, dear readers, for help. Do you know of any…
Favorite Memories Friday: Roller Skating
This summer my children and I began to really enjoy roller skating together. After visiting the roller rink a few times, I even bought a pair of skates for my daughter and a pair for me so we can skate…
Bible in 90 Days Day 53
Today’s Reading: Isaiah 52:13- Isaiah 66:18 I have a few SOAP posts from the past that have come from today’s reading: Am I really serving and obeying completely?— Isaiah 58:2-4 I am Icky!— Isaiah 64-6 What about you… What struck…
School lunchbox ideas
Packing kids lunches can either be a struggle or a simple fact of life. I want my kids to eat healthy meals and I don’t want it to be a big challenge for any of us, so I let them…
Do you use SOAP?
I’m a big fan of the SOAP method of listening and recording what I hear during daily Bible reading, whether that reading be as lengthy as what I might read when following the Bible in 90 Days plan or as…
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