Today’s Reading: 2 Samuel 12:11- 2 Samuel 22:18 I’m so excited for all of you who are reading through the Bible in 90 Days. I am still making my way through praying for each of you who checked in yesterday.…
B 90 Days Week 4/ Day 22 Check in
Wow! Can you believe how much of the Bible you have already read? If you are reading with us, by the end of today you should have read to page 264 in the Bible in 90 Days Bible or to…
There is only a little bit of summer left
I don’t know about you, but when I’m home, I see so many things that need to get done that I end up focusing on those rather than my kids. This week I spent more time than I would like…
Mom’s Travel Tales on Wild About Houston
I have had so much fun sharing summer travel tips on Wild About Houston on Houston’s 55. If you aren’t in Houston or you missed the shows, no worries… I have the links right here! Swing over and see what…
B 90 Days Day 19 SOAP: Honoring Commitments
Today’s Reading: Judges 15:13- 1Samuel 2:29 If you are reading through the Bible in 90 Days with us and getting behind, try to remember that this is a 90 day reading program, not a study program, It is okay if…
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