A Chapter of Proverbs a Day… Today, read chapter two of the Proverbs. As you read, really try to listen to God and pick out just one verse you think He might be asking you to really hear. So many…
Proverbs SOAP: The Proverbs are for gaining widsom
A chapter of Proverbs a day… Scripture: Proverbs 1:1-2 1The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel: 2for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; Observation: The book of Proverbs is set aside to help me…
Bible in 90 Days: Final check in
Wow. So this is it. The 90 days are up. Many of you have read the entire Bible, cover to cover, with me over the past three months and now we are finished or close to being finished together. We…
I’ve read the Bible in 90 Days (or so). Now what?
For many, reading the Bible in 90 days is the most intense, fast-paced study of the Bible they have ever done. I remember when I finished it the first time, part of me wanted a quick resting break, part of…
B 90Days SOAP: Come, share and pass it on
Day 88 of the Bible in 90 Days Scripture: Revelation 22:17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift…
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