Just a warning: There will be some tough love in this post. But it’s really in here for your own good. Or for your fellow readers’ good. Okay, here goes: I know this isn’t Monday so it isn’t time for…
Helping your child get her shoes on the right feet
Struggling with helping your child understand which shoe goes on which foot? I’ve got tool from the Toolbox for you! R’s and L’s won’t help if your child doesn’t know her letters, but kissing smiley faces will. Grab a pen…
Going from shy to scintillating
Enjoying every second of a blogging conference, or any meeting, even if you’re a tad shy in real life So who is ready to walk into a room of 499 other women and not know a soul, okay not know…
B 90 Days SOAP: He raises the poor from dust
Day 19 of the Bible in 90 Days Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:8 He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor.…
Blissdom Fashion
Okay, here is where I reveal to you that I have a secret blogging double-life. I also blog at www.MomsTravelTales.com and today I’ve invited all the bloggers attending Blissdom, which I hear will be a super-fun blogging convention in Nashville…
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