Somtimes I feel as though I am so defined by my role as a mom that I forget my pre-mom days. This is one adventure I’ll never forget, however… I remember watching a show about people safely flinging themselves off…
What’cha wearing to Blissdom?
Alright all you Blissdom attenders-to-be: Are you ready to have fun at Blissdom in a few short weeks? You’ve clearned your calendar, bought your ticket, picked your sessions, booked your room and even looked into what parties you might want…
B 90 Days SOAP: No matter how far you stray, He’ll bring you back
Day 15 of the Bible in 90 Days Scripture: Deuteronomy 30: 4 Even if you have been banished to the most distant land under the heavens, from there the Lord your God will gather you and bring you back. Observation:…
Will you help me help Haiti and do some helping yourself?
Yesterday I took my Danish daughter to the airport so she could go on a quick vacation. After leaving her gate, my younger daughter and I saw some adorable doggies accompanied by some women. We walked over and asked if…
Bible in 90 Days: A few tips for catching up
Now that we are two weeks into reading the Bible in 90 days, I bet some of you are invigorated by all the time in the Word… and many of you are having a tough time managing all the time…
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