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  • Back to School. Back to the Bible

    Howdy! Over the years, many of you have asked me for a Fall Bible in 90 Days read through– kind of a Back to School, Back to the Bible thing. Well, I pulled out my calendar, played around with it a bit, and then asked ChatGPT when I would need to start a 90 Day…

  • Journaling through the Bible in 90 days: Week 12!

    Woah… I am LOVING this reading so close to Easter!! It’s so much fun to see the fulfillment of so much prophecy in our reading. I’m also absolutely soaking in the gospels’ accounts of responses to Jesus. He really shook things up! I like to wonder what I. would have understood or completely missed had…

  • Journaling through the Bible in 90 days: Week 11!

    Hello dear readers and thank you for joining me in this adventure in reading and journaling through the entire Bible in just 90 days. It has been an exciting adventure for me this time, as it always is. I am honored that you are in the experience with me and pray you are enjoying it…

  • Journaling through the Bible in 90 days Week 10! (and a Texas bluebonnet pic!)

    Hello, friends! I regret that I am a day late in posting this week’s reading schedule. My daughter needed someone to ride with her on a trip to and from Kerrville yesterday (10 hours round trip) so, of course, I drove her. With this being her senior year of high school and plan for college…

  • Journaling through the Bible in 90 days: Week 9!

    Y’all! We are more than half-way through reading and journaling through the entire Bible!! How cool is that?! How’s it going? Are you still with me and on track? Ahead? A touch behind? Waaaaaaaaaay behind? I have done this several times and it amazes me each time how I hear Him… and the different verses…

  • Journaling through the Bible in 90 days: Week 8!

    Hello to you and thank you for reading and journaling through the Bible along with me. Last week held so much affirmation for me through the reading and SOAP. For that I am truly thankful. I had been praying regularly about hearing direction from the Holy Spirit. I had wanted so very much to follow…

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