So I’m training supposed to be training for the BP MS 150, a two-day, 180-mile bicycle ride from Houston to Austin that takes place in April. Last year was my first attempt and it was an absolutely amazing experience. I…
How to help YOUR husband
I just came across a post at Biblical Womanhood that really spoke to me. It’s called Lovin’ That Man of Mine: a helpmeet to your own husband. Crystal writes about serving her own husband and being his help meet, rather…
SOAP: Stop doing nothing
Scripture: Numbers 24:25 (partial) As he reasoned with them about righteousness and self-control and the judgment to come, Felix was terrified… Numbers 24:27 (partial) … And because Felix wanted to gain favor with the Jewish leaders, he left Paul in…
What’s cookin’ this week?
Here’s what we’re planning to dine on at the 144 family casa… Monday dinner: shrimp, mozzarella and pasta salad (If it’s good, I’ll blog about it Saturday for my Salad Saturday feature.) Tuesday: Breakfast- banana bread, yogurt,…
Purple Pancakes: One answer to the Hot Breakfast Challenge
Over at The Happy Housewife, Toni has issued a Hot Breakfast Challenge for February. One not to miss a challenge, I thought I could join in by sharing something we dined on for the first time this past weekend: Purple…
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