Good morning! Today’s reading is Acts 10. Here’s what I heard: Scripture: The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” –Acts 10: 15 Observation: God loves all of us, and doesn’t…
SOAP: I will not be shaken
Good morning! Today’s reading for me was Psalm 16 and Acts 9. Here is what grabbed me: Scripture: I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” –Psalm 16:8 Observation:…
SOAP: Share his love everywhere!
Today’s reading is Acts 8. Here’s what grabbed me: Scripture: Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. –Acts 8:4 Observation: The believers were being scattered and persecuted, and still they preached the truth wherever they ended up. Application:…
SOAP: Don’t lose heart. Keep doing good.
Good morning to you! Are you traveling a tough path? Are things a bit (or a lot) out of control and it doesn’t look like God is near? He is. Read on, my friends…. Today our reading is Acts 7.…
SOAP: Build a team
Good morning! Last night I went to bed after journaling and praying and trying to solve a problem. I feel super-stretched and some important stuff isn’t happening as I would like for it to happen. I asked God to show…
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