• We’ve just finished up a quick trip to Lake George, NY, where we stayed at The Great Escape Lodge, the hotel (and indoor waterpark) adjacent to the Six Flags theme park, The Great Escape & Splashwater Kingdom. We weren’t sure…

  • http://www.lorileecraker.com/book6.html http://www.mops.org/ As one of the many gifts of my Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) membership one year, I received a copy of Lorilee Craker’s Just give me a little piece of quiet. The cover says it contains 60 mini-retreats for…

  • http://www.amazon.com/New-First-Three-Years-Life/dp/0684804190 This is my absolute favorite parenting young children book out there. An educator at The Children’s Museum of Houston recommended it to me and I read it while pregnant with my first child.  Then I kept it closeby while navigating…

  • https://www.babysigns.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=aboutus.main Before I became a mom, an early childhood expert friend of mine told me about sign language for hearing babies. I was intrigued, so soonafter I had my first baby I couldn’t help but to find out more. She handed…

  • http://orgjunkie.com/ I’ve always been a planner, so the concept of planning a weekly menu and THEN going to the grocery store (after making a list, of course) wasn’t revolutionary to me. But, the idea of looking at other mom’s menus…

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