Happy Monday, friends! I hope your Monday is off to a good start already. I’ve been pondering this verse for a bit today already. I already posted it to Instagram, but needed more time to let it marinate before I…
SOAP: Help and strength, coming right up
Um, WOW. I sure needed to read and write this one today. Parenting is tough. Last night we had some struggles. I post my SOAP index cards in the kitchen after I share them with you and yesterday I…
SOAP: Wait
Happy Saturday, friends! It’s cold down in Texas and it feels kinds cozy inside the house. It’s finally time for thick cozy socks, gloves, scarves and hot cocoa with my kids. Hip, hip hooray! As I’m writing this, I’m smiling…
SOAP: Set your priorities first
SCRIPTURE: “Seek first His kingdom, and everything else will be given to you.” –Matthew 6:33 OBSERVATION: Set your top priority, pursue it and the other good stuff will happen. APPLICATION: First of all, I am NOT saying that if…
SOAP: Let your light shine!
Happy Thursday, friends! Today’s SOAP verse just makes me smile– how can it not?! Let’s jump in, shall we? Scripture: Let your light shine. –Matthew 5:16 Observation: You’ve got light inside of you. Share it! Application: Shine on, sweet friend!
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