Welcome to Week 2 of the Bible in 90 Days with MomsToolbox! Whether you are up to date or a few days behind schedule, congratulations for having one week of Bible in 90 Days reading under your belt! Woo-HOOO! I’ll ask…
In Dallas? Curious about wine apps and technology? Come chat with me Tuesday!
How is technology helping wine drinkers discover the wines they really want? With so many wine apps out there, it can be hard to choose the right one for you, let alone which wine to drink tonight! I’ll be at…
Bible in 90 Days: Week 1 (July-October 2016 Read-through) #B90Days
Welcome to the first check in post and the first week of the Bible in 90 Days with MomsToolbox! I am thrilled that you have made the decision to read the entire Bible, cover to cover, in 90 days with me. Together, and…
2 new Bible in 90 Days read throughs start Monday, July 18
Have you ever wanted to read the entire Bible, but haven’t made the time to do it yet? Have you read it all before, and feel a need to go for it once again? Choose your reading path: Do you…
What is your ‘Why?’
Why are you doing what you are doing? I saw this productivity-boosting question in an email and had to make myself a note to remember it and call it into action. Sometimes my answer might be serious, and sometimes it…
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