This trip keeps getting more and more exciting, with a crazy round of great meetings yesterday, one of which even had a side benefit of learning to apply soy sauce to sushi properly. (You dip the top of the sushi, the…
Psalm 54: God really is my helper
Good morning! Yesterday was an amazing, fantastic, exciting day. The presentation I told you about was a total blast and I was energized by the number of people who talked with me throughout the day about what I shared on…
Psalm 53: With Him, there should not be fear
I certainly hope your week is off to a great start. I’m looking forward to speaking later this morning at IBM’s Insight conference. We had rehearsals from the stage yesterday and, from what I have seen, today is going to…
Psalm 52: In Him I can be calm and confident
Good morning from Las Vegas. I am here today for my second day of rehearsals before I speak at the IBM Insight conference tomorrow morning. I am pretty excited. I haven’t become nervous yet. Hopefully I will remain not nervous…
Psalm 51: I need a do-over. Please wash away those sins.
Happy Saturday! I am sorry I missed you yesterday. If you follow the MomsToolbox Facebook page, you know yesterday was a rough morning and I was unable to post. This morning I am flying to Las Vegas to speak about…
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