Good morning! I’m in the Pacific time zone today, so my post is going up a tad later than is typical. I’m traveling for business and have some very encouraging meetings lined up for today and tomorrow. I decided to…
Psalm 92: Those who follow Him will flourish. Praise Him!
Last night I found a note in the Bible I used in middle school through college that said “I ❤️ Psalm 92!” I’m pretty sure the note was written in 8th grade, as it was on the back…
Psalms 1: He will make me strong
I have been wondering and praying about what to use as my next SOAP reading and devotional plan after finishing Proverbs in August. I still do not have that answer and a full-fledged reading plan, but I’m listening to find…
Proverbs in 31 Days 2015: Day 30, Proverbs 30: True peace comes from Him
If you are reading with me, today we are on Proverbs 30. (Remembering what to read in the Proverbs is as easy as remembering the day’s date when you read them with me.) That being said: Today’s Reading: Proverbs 30 Using…
New Kroger store expansion debuts TOMORROW in Spring, TX
The Kroger just across the street from my neighborhood just had an $11 million expansion and renovation, taking it to 92,819 square feet of grocery and home products. I’m pretty excited for all the deliciousness and convenience that I am about…
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