Psalm 12: DON’T fake it ’till you make it, or listen to those that do

bible-study-postHappy Saturday!

This morning I was thinking about a presentation that I am sharing later this week when I reminded myself to stop that line of thinking for now and read my Bible passage for the day.

I try to read each day’s passage before I engage in anything else, as best I can. No notes for work, no emails, no Facebook, nothing until I at least do the reading and really ponder the message.

Then, the reading, yet again, made me smile as God knew just what reminders I needed for that presentation that was on my mind.

Rather than pick out just one verse as is almost always the case, today I am considering all of Psalm 12 for SOAP.

Here is what I heard:

Scripture: Psalm 12

You can read Psalm 12 in its entirety on Bible Gateway. (It’s pretty short.)


There are a lot of boastful, lying lips, but God’s Word is truth.

Find your truth in God’s Word, not in what people say. Guard yourself from the lies.

Don’t be one that is boastful and lies.


As I mentioned, this morning I was thinking about my presentation later this week before I jumped into the reading. My topic: Power Networking.

I’ll be talking about how to talk with people and make the most of every conversation.

This passage reminded me that I need to express how critical I find it to be NOT to be boastful, NOT to fake it ’till you make it, as some people in business would advise but, instead, to be honest and true.

There are enough boastful people out there, spreading lies and flattering for selfish reasons instead of sharing honest, positive observations to be kind. There are plenty of people lying about their abilities and success. I have no intention of ever being one of those.

Listen to God. He speaks truth. Do not let boastful, flattering lips lead you astray, and don’t be boastful and flattering yourself.

Stay focused on His Word and truth. Be truthful and honest yourself.


Lord, as you know, sometimes I can get derailed by the boasters, wanting the success it appears they have.

Today’s reminder is golden: stay the course directed by You (not boastful people) and be honest (don’t exaggerate or promise more than I can deliver).

Thank you for your truth. Thank you for the timeliness of your truth. Please  guide me as I prepare for my presentation and deliver it, that it would be truly honoring to you and hold truths you have shown me.

I love you, Lord. You are amazing. I love how you have just the thing I need to hear when I listen.

Thank you. And thank you for your son, my savior.





One response to “Psalm 12: DON’T fake it ’till you make it, or listen to those that do”

  1. love this one – at the end of the day, I want to be able to look myself in the mirror and not only be happy with the outcome, but sure that I have pleased God. Not always easy, but always the right thing to do.

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